Damon Jimenez asked us, "Where do chat bot messages go?" "All chat widget messages will show up in the conversations tab. It will automatically create a new contact if they’re ...
Phil Remaes asked us, "Is there a way to have the chatbot only active on my home page instead of all pages?" "Yes! Instead of pasting the Chat Widget code ...
Monique Doss asked us, "I am trying to figure out how to change my payment method in my account. Does anyone know how?" "There are 2 places to change your ...
Brandy Murray asked us, "Does anyone know how to update opportunity card info ?" "Here's a quick video to help: https://www.loom.com/share/5354f2cd8ac348c5ae4ccef54f5e1b8a ?" Brandy Murray asked us, " Is their ...
Anh Tran asked us, "How does the site pages work on agent crm? Are they very similar to google site pages?" "The layout of Agent CRM websites and Google Sites ...
The Gilbert Agency asked us, "Is there a way to recover bulk deletions?" "You can recover 30 deleted contacts at a time. ? To do this, you will go to ...
Low Cost Tristate LLC asked us, "Is there a link to pay your subscription if you want to pay the year in full?" "http://annual.agent-crm.com/"
Wes Obana sked us, "If you forget to tag an upload is there a way to go back and bulk tag them all?" "You can always re-upload the list and ...