Add a verified phone number (REQUIRED). This is a phone number you already own, for example your cell, office number, or a number issued by your CRM that you have access to either receive a call or text as a part of the verification process….
Below is some more information about the laws that may apply to text messages/phone calls (including consents or message content you might need before such text messages are sent or such calls are placed). All users are required to agree to our terms of service…
You can select one of any of your verified phone numbers. As a reminder, you can verify any number you own, like your cell phone number or office phone number by going to storm settings and choosing phone numbers.
Caller ID is set by going to the Storm settings screen. And in the general tab on the left choosing which of your verified numbers you want to use.
When you are ready to place a call, click the dial button to launch WAVV. A dialogue box will pop up and ask if you want to dial using your computer audio and mic, or if you want to use a phone. If using a…
Dialers often stay connected to make calling more efficient. That is exactly how Storm works, to save you time from reconnecting each time you want to place a call. On the preview line dialer, all connected time counts toward your minute limit. Using the Power…
Any time you are connected to the Agent CRM dialer. This includes all call time, regardless of the outcome of the call.
The Preview Line Dialer does not offer call recording, Voice Mail upload/drop, or the advanced dialing mode. Without advanced dialing, the Preview Line Dialer is more interactive, and requires you to click to navigate between leads and click to dial each number.