Five Star Benefit Solutions Asked:
“One of the ‘7 tools in one’ is a Power Dialer. I think I misunderstood what it actually is capable of doing. It is capable of automatically calling a list of leads one after the other, correct? However, you have to have it set to drop a ‘ringless voicemail’ after the call is finished, say 2 minutes. You’re not actually able to drop a prerecorded voicemail while you’re still on the call and then automatically move to the next call, correct?”
The Answer:
You’re correct! Let’s break it down for clarity:
- Automatic Call Progression
- The Power Dialer is designed to call leads one after the other automatically, saving time and effort.
- Voicemail Options
- Leave a Live Message: While on a call, you can personally leave a voicemail, which allows for a customized touch.
- Automated Voicemail Drop: If you prefer efficiency, click the button to have the software leave a pre-recorded voicemail for you. This option lets the Power Dialer move to the next call while simultaneously delivering the voicemail to the previous lead.
Example Workflow:
- Call Lead #1 → Click voicemail drop → Software leaves the pre-recorded voicemail → Move to Lead #2.
For further guidance on setting up the Power Dialer and its voicemail features, check out this video tutorial.
Gary Thomas Asked:
“How does it work on inbound Live Transfers?”
The Answer:
When you receive an inbound call through Agent CRM, the call is forwarded to the phone number you’ve set up in your settings. Here’s how it works:
- Configure Your Call Forwarding Number
- Navigate to Settings >> Phone Numbers and ensure your desired forwarding number is configured.
- Inbound Call Handling
- When a lead calls your Agent CRM number, the system will route the call to the forwarding number you’ve set up, enabling you to answer it directly on your device.
Pro Tips for Maximizing the Power Dialer and Live Transfers
- Personalize or Automate: Decide when to use live voicemails versus automated drops depending on the lead type and relationship.
- Optimize Voicemail Content: Use engaging pre-recorded messages that encourage callbacks or action.
- Test Your Call Forwarding: Regularly verify your forwarding number to ensure seamless live transfers.
Learn More
For additional tips and tutorials on using Agent CRM effectively:
- Single Line Power Dialer
- Multiline Power Dialer Quick Setup
- How to Use Pipelines to Organize Your Leads
Also be sure to check out our Youtube channel for helpful resources like these: