Severe RPMS Claims Inspectors & Adjusters asked us, “So I have a question? So I want to be able to market a online training course that consist of videos. I need to be able to add widgets to my website shopping cart and when purchased they would be able to access them from my Agent CRM and have access for a set amount of time. Where can I get assistance to get that done?”

“This will be done by using membership inside Agent CRM and workflows in Agent CRM
You can set a price for your membership and upload videos as a course inside that product which is included in membership and using workflow you can do that when a membership is granted – > wait for x amount of hours /days and then revoke the access 🙂
Try doing this and if you need more help ask, if you want us to do this you can purchase an hour or 2 from Agent CRM done for you and i will do that for you”

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Agent CRM Team

Content Creator

The Agent CRM Team works with our developers, our community and our executives to create content for our blog. The content we create is useful for understanding how Agent CRM can help you, it can show you how to use our features and we use the blog to answer common questions.

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