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6 Articles
Agent CRM Team
1 Min Read

Justin Asked us, “AFFILIATES!! – Do you have any suggestions that has worked in regards to getting more and more people to sign up with this amazing software and platform? I have over 100k contact list and I’d like to know the most effective way…

Agent CRM Support
1 Min Read

Ramiro Cabrera Asked: “Quick question: Has anyone used the system to generate leads for referral partners? TIA” The Answer: Yes! Agent CRM offers a Referral Marketing Campaign that’s perfect for generating leads specifically for referral partners. This campaign is designed to streamline the referral process…

Agent CRM Support
1 Min Read

Don Raines Asked: “By chance, is there a good asking-for-referral template for emails to link the referral funnel to?” The Answer: Yes, we have pre-written referral campaigns included in our Click-and-Play Campaigns! These templates are designed to make it easy for you to request referrals…